Love Isn't A Feeling (Love Is A Way Of Life)
Love is respect in a deeper way
It’s a closer way in which we can care
Life can be a bed of roses
It can when it’s love and respect we share
I have to see the truth in you
I must also let you help me see
Not only the truth of who am now
But also the truth of who I could be
Love isn’t a feeling it’s something we do
I must do for you what you do for me
I can’t just see the truth of you
I must also see the truth of who I can be
Life is like a river
or so it’s been said
Do you choose to be alive
Or do you choose to live it dead
No matter the life you choose to live
Or the river you choose to form
Love keeps us turning the pages
Love and respect keep us continually reborn
Love isn’t a feeling it’s something we do
I must do for you what you do for me
I can’t just see the truth of you
I must also see the truth of who I can be
Because life is also a story
And one you create
Who’s the hero in your adventure
It’s you, and you’re never too late
You see, I love you
In you, it’s a hero I see
It might be a mystery to you
But it isn’t to me
Love isn’t a feeling it’s something we do
I must do for you what you do for me
I can’t just see the truth of you
I must also see the truth of who I can be
You are less a mystery to me
I’m less a mystery to you
This is why we must work together
Why being at odds makes us all blue
Whether flowing like a river
It is the best in us we must see
No matter the next adventure
I must love you and you must love me