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The "Bo & Luke" of this tropical and gangsta version of Dukes Of Hazzard y'all are Da Hamma (voiced by me) and The King (voiced by someone who can perform a Cuban accent).

The real name of The King is Anton Pedro. He's been exiled from Cuba by ol' Fidel. The King is a nuisance and Fidel can't seem to kill him, so he forces Anton off the island. He's called the King not only because he's the king of the streets.

But also because of his Elvis like flair.

Da Hamma's real name is Bruno Moretti.

I get to have fun playing an old school Italian thug gangster accent with this character. 

And Da Hamma is not as dumb as he sounds y'all.


He'll break your kneecaps faster than you can say "Oh no! Don't do that!" 

He's called The Hammer by people because of all the hammers he's dropped to take people out of the picture.

Betty Oops! is essentially the "Daisy Duke" of this animated, tropical gangsta version of Dukes Of Hazzard y'all.

She's a saucy bitch with a heart a gold y'all.

She's great friends with the guys and she happens to be an obsession for Deputy Strife. 

Daisy uses her saucy ways to charm information outta Deputy Strife. 

Helping the gang stay one step ahead of the law at all times! 

Say hello to the "Uncle Jesse" for this animated, tropical gangsta version of Dukes Of Hazzard y'all.

Leonardo Luciano.

He's an Italian gangster who's kind hearted but strong willed.

Leonardo is basically the OG who the gang goes to for guidance.

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Stylze doesn't represent any of the characters from Dukes Of Hazzard y'all. But he still plays an important role in this animated, tropical and gangsta version of that show.

Stylze is an important ancillary character to the plotline of each episode y'all. Kinda like Cooter was in Dukes Of Hazzard, but a very different kind of character and personality.

Stylze is a black dude who's a smooth operator and real ladies man. He's also an important part of the group and good friends to everyone in the gang.

Stylze has his own skills, but I haven't quite fully developed his character yet.

And just so y'all know...

It's Stylez with a "z".

And don't you forget it.

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Deputy Strife is the "Rosco P. Coltrane" of this tropical and gangsta version of Dukes Of Hazzard y'all. Only he's much louder, aggressive and meaner than ol' Rosco was.

But don't let his mean attitude, looks and persona fool ya. He's just as dumb and cowardly as Deputy Fife was in Mayberry y'all. 

Respectful Rebel Arts & Entertainment

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