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Find Unity In DIversity


Yuck! Everything's the same!

It don't matter where I shop

Everywhere I look

The only thing different is the name


Here's what I believe

And here's my advice

Let's raise a new crop

Let's stop making the same mistake twice



Find Unity In Diversity

Don't fall for thier shit

All choices aren't gone

Nope, not one bit


They took all our choices

So only they could win the race

Making it faster and faster

Drastically increasing the pace


But the race is too fast

We need to slow it down

We need to see our strengths

This y'all, is how we'll remove our frowns!



Find Unity In Diversity

Don't fall for thier shit

All choices aren't gone

Nope, not one bit


Drivin round in aluminum beer cans

Each bubble's the same as the next

Held together by plastic rings

Really just hood emblems in bold text


Holey jeans er holey jeans

A shirt is a shirt

Don't pay for a logo

Stop fallin fer their hurt



Find Unity In Diversity

Don't fall for thier shit

All choices aren't gone

Nope, not one bit


Them shoes, you guessed it

No different than the rest

Don't waste yer money

Make sure you're what's best


There ain't no fancy cows

A purse is a purse is a purse

Vegan leather is just plastic

A hearse is a purse is a hearse


Where we still have a choice

Where we still all matter

It's in who we are

So stop listenin to their clatter

Simply let go and then go far



Find Unity In Diversity

Don't fall for thier shit

All choices aren't gone

Nope, not one bit


Logos divide us

Stupid plastic makes us hate

Dumb commercials, well They create our broken plates


[Spoken] So we'll buy more


The choice we always have

It's the most simple of all

Do we fall for their lies

Or do we ignore it and have a ball


I think you know the answer

Now it's clear as a bell

Turn your backs in their lies

And together we'll leave this hell

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Respectful Rebel Arts & Entertainment

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